
Follow me on some of my photographic journeys by reading through my contemplations below.

Julien Sunye Julien Sunye

the impossibility of a shared experience

Did you know you don’t see colours in the same way the person next to you does? And I’m not merely talking about colour blindness. In this new blog, we’ll be contemplating on what this means for the possibilities of sharing experiences through photography, and how this is different from what I expected when I started out many decades ago.

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Ideas Julien Sunye Ideas Julien Sunye

What makes a great photograph?

A great photograph is an experience. It is seeing the image and feeling in love, amazed, inspired. It is the perfect alignment of light, lines and perspective that opens a myriad of doors; time travel, instant travel, dreams and imagination, connection, memories, nostalgia and even liberation.

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Documentary Julien Sunye Documentary Julien Sunye


In January 2009 I went to Istanbul for the first time. I intended to come by boat from Odessa, inspired by the Byzantine history of trade routes.

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